dimanche 26 juillet 2015

best music english

best music english

Writing a love song should be easy, right? As Cole Porter wrote in 1928, "Birds do, bees do it, even educated fleas do it.…" But while we’re the first to admit that falling in love can be as easy as falling off a log, the business of writing a love song—one that’s not cheesy or obvious— is a challenge that the greatest songwriters have wrestled with since the first caveman grunted a serenade to his beloved. After painstaking research and several rock fights, Time Out has arrived at what we believe to be the 50 best love songs ever recorded. Expect to sniff along to the all-time classics (yes, you can tell Mom that Al Green is in there), get down like you’re at a wedding disco with some of the smoochiest party songs ever recorded (thank you, Madonna!), and feel a smile spread across your face when you hit the number one spot and think of your own number one sweetie—whether they know it yet or not. Bring on the love songs!

Written by Michael Chen, Brent DiCrescenzo, Adam Feldman, Sophie Harris, Oliver Keens, Tim Lowery, Marley Lynch, James Manning, Amy Plitt, Jenna Scherer, Hank Shteamer, Kate Wertheimer and Kristen Zwicker.

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